Stock Options

Stock Options: What Are They And How Can They Help

A stock option is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell shares of a stock at a specified price, known as the strike price, within a specified time frame. There are two types of stock options: call options and put options. We’ll look at the two financial mechanisms below and also look into start up stock options. Some think of startup options as a kind of holy grail of options investment, however it doesn’t always work that way. 

Call Options Explained

A call option gives the holder the right to buy shares of a stock at the strike price. If the stock price rises above the strike price, the holder can exercise the option and buy the shares at the lower strike price, and then sell them at the higher market price for a profit. If the stock price does not rise above the strike price, the holder can let the option expire without exercising it, and they will not lose any money beyond the premium they paid for the option.

Put Options Explained

A put option gives the holder the right to sell shares of a stock at the strike price. If the stock price falls below the strike price, the holder can exercise the option and sell the shares at the higher strike price, thus limiting their loss. If the stock price does not fall below the strike price, the holder can let the option expire without exercising it, and they will not lose any money beyond the premium they paid for the option. 

For both options it’s key that you need to keep a consistent eye on them to get the best out of them, that’s why they’re popular with day traders. If you take your eye off your positions you could miss the perfect time to sell. Make sure you set alerts or stop loss signals to limit any overstretched position especially if you’re using high margin.

Value Startup Options

Startup options can be extremely lucrative if the company does well. If you invest in start up company stock options early and you’ve done your research, they can only go in one direction. However, the stark truth remains that 1 out of 5 businesses tend to go bust after a couple of years…so you need to pick the right option and get it right. You need to value the company and value the options. They’re great as part of a whole, but you might want to think twice before going all in on them. If you’re taking out startup options, be sure to hedge the investment elsewhere, where possible. Always think ahead and be careful and well informed. 

Options Conclusion

Options can be used for a variety of purposes, such as hedging against potential losses in other investments, generating income, or speculating on the future price of a stock. However, options can also be complex and risky, and it is important to fully understand the mechanics of options and the risks involved before investing in them.