
Is Snow Evelyn Robin Juliet Gibb, Gibb Robin’s Daughter?

Snow Evelyn Robin Juliet Gibb is the daughter of the late musician Gibb Robin and his mistress Claire Yang. Snow Evelyn came into the limelight after her father died and left a will that troubled some family members. Snow Evelyn was born in 2008, and it is believed that her mother had a long affair with the singer.

Claire Young, Snow Evelyn’s mother, had been working in Gibb’s 12th-century mansion since the early 2000s, and it is believed the affair with the singer began in 2001. On November 2008, Calier welcomed her daughter Gibb, and Gibb never denied fathering the child.

Gibb’s second wife, Dwina, forced Claire Yang to go away after she got pregnant with Gibb, but Gibb never forgot about her daughter.

Was Snow Evelyn Robin Juliet Gibb Left Inheritance by Gibb Robin?

When the late singer’s will was read, it left many with sad faces. But for Snow Evelyn, her father did not forget her, and he ensured she received a huge sum for her upkeep and schooling.

Snow Evelyn’s father was a father to two children, two from his first marriage, one with his wife Dwina and the other with his mistress. According to the late singer’s will, his two children from his first marriage, Spencer and Melissa, were to get gifts of  500,000 pounds, while his ex-wife got nothing from the will.

The will continued that his mistress Claire Young was to receive a house worth 800,000 pounds. The will was drawn on August 2011, nine months before he passed away, indicating that Claire was to receive a reasonable provision.

Snow Evelyn’s half-brother Robin John did not receive any gift like his other siblings. Still, the will indicated the multimillion estate of the singer was left under Robin John’s mother. Once Dwina passes away, what will be left will be divided among the three children of the late singer excluding Snow Evelyn Robin.

But according to a close friend of Dwina, the reasonable provision that Caire’s daughter was to get was around 4 million pounds. From the huge amount, Claire’s daughter is assured of basic needs and good education.

Although Gibb’s son Robin John said that Snow Evelyn was not his father’s child, the late singer mentioned her in his will and acknowledged her as her daughter.

Snow Evelyn Robin’s Father’s Death

Robin had health issues and had been suffering from cancer for a while. The singer died of kidney failure, and it is confirmed that he had suffered a serious bowel condition and pneumonia, contributing to his health.

The singer died at 62 years, and it was hard for his family and fans. When preparations for his funeral were underway, the wife of the late singer Dwina expressed that Claire Young was not welcomed at her husband’s funeral.

Dwina said she would not send her away if she appeared, but she did not want her to engage in the last send-off ceremony. Dwina added that the late singer had requested to say a final goodbye to his fans and hometown, and all his fans would have that chance to pay their final respects.