Making Smaller Spaces Feel Bigger with Mirror Sizes

5 Secrets to Making Smaller Spaces Feel Bigger with Mirror Sizes

Have you been trying to figure out how to make a small space bigger? Do you need fresh ideas for what to do with a small room?

However, there are a few tried and true tricks that you can use to make your smaller spaces feel bigger! In particular, mirror sizes are a great way to draw attention to your space since it not only pulls the room together but also make your space look bigger too.

Here are a few of our favorite ideas that will fit into even the tiniest rooms in your home!

1. Finding the Perfect Mirror Size

Consider the relationship of a mirror’s scale to other elements in the room. Pay attention to the size of the furniture, artwork, and other decorative elements so that the mirror complements the space rather than overpowering it. Keeping sizing to the basics, choose a mirror approximately two-thirds the length of the furniture (or art) beneath for a balanced look.

2. Maximizing Visual Interest With Mirrors of All Shapes and Sizes

Adding mirrors of all shapes and sizes can bring a dramatic change to small interiors. For instance, a tall rectangular body size mirror can be used to create a strong vertical element in a room. This creates a sense of depth and space.

Alternatively, a round mirror can create a unique, playful feel while still adding visual interest. Multiple small, scattered, and custom mirror sizes can be used to bring a sense of harmony to a smaller space.

3. Go Big on a Small Scale

For small bedrooms, place a full size mirror directly across from the window. This will maximize the amount of natural light and create a feeling of openness.

Mirrors can also be used to visually divide a large room into two distinct spaces. Simply hang a large, wall-to-wall mirror in the center.

Choosing a full length mirror to place against a dark wall can help create the illusion of depth. While having a mirror near a well-lit window has a brightness-boosting effect.

4. Small Mirrors for Big Impact

Align a few small mirrors in a line and place them at various heights across a wall. Combining the various sizes and heights will create an illusion of length rather than height, making the space appear much bigger.

Include an eyebrow arch mirror above the other wall mirrors to break up the pattern and prevent the space from becoming too cluttered. Limit the color of the frames and select one style and size.

5. Balancing Functionality and Mirror Sizing

It’s important to select the size that fits both the practical use and the sized space. Consider a wall-length mirror if you’re looking to maximize reflection and make a statement.

You can also look for mirrored furniture for functionality while still creating the effect of a larger space. Additionally, look for strategically placed mirrors with corner and nook placements to maximize light reflection and open up a tight space.

Make Your Small Space Feel Bigger With Mirror Sizes Now

Mirrors can be used to help make a small space look bigger. By using a variety of mirror sizes, shapes, and placement techniques, you can use mirrors to create the illusion of more space. Take the time to consider how to strategically hang your mirrors to maximize their reflective properties and create an illusion of a larger space.

Now that you know the basics, start applying them to transform your small space into a larger one.

For more tips and tricks, make sure to check out our blog!