Commercial Construction Process 

3 Tips on Getting Through the Commercial Construction Process 

Working on commercial construction projects takes time and effort to complete. Sometimes it may feel like everything in the construction process is going wrong. But don’t worry, at the end of the day you’ll have an incredible new build ready to open its doors to the public. So to ease the stress of these large projects, here are three tips on getting through the commercial construction process. 

Pre-Construction Planning 

One of the first things you can do to make the commercial construction process easier for yourself is to lock in your pre-construction planning. There is a ton of work that goes into a commercial project before you ever break ground. During the pre-construction planning, you should take the time to organize the following parts of the process:

  • Building Designs 
  • Materials 
  • Construction Timeline 
  • Project Budgets
  • Securing Permits 

Planning out all of these steps is crucial before starting your commercial construction. Once you start building and you have all of these steps in place, you will have a much easier time getting through the construction process. You may even figure out ways to adjust your budget or materials in the pre-construction process. 

This is the time to decide if you’d like to use methods like concrete flatwork for large-scale commercial projects. Or you can choose to use eco-friendly materials for a more sustainable build overall. 

Pre-planning is also when you should create your project timeline. This will be the framework for the entire project that you can adhere to when things start to feel a little crazy. Your timeline will allow you to plan out the phases of construction and all of the moving parts that come with it. 

You should always be planning ahead with commercial construction. It can take months to obtain the correct permits before you’re able to begin building. You also never know what problems you can run into during the build. If you are just renovating a space that is still functioning, you’ll have to plan for what that will look like throughout the life of the project. Planning ahead and sticking to your timeilne is the best way to ensure you’re ready for anything that comes your way during a commercial build. 

Build Your Team 

You can’t build a commercial property alone, and one way to ease the stress of working on a build is to have an incredible team on your side. Depending on the project you are going to want to hire an architect, design firm, and construction team with a construction manager. You may not need an entire design firm if your architect creates comprehensive designs for you. 

When you build your team and find people that you like to work with, you can also ask them for recommendations for contractors to bring in during the build. Making sure that everyone can work together will be another key to a smooth construction process. Everyone on your build team will need to be able to quickly solve problems that arise. Keep this in mind when bringing people onto your commercial project, and it can save you a headache further down the line. 


One of the keys to moving a project along smoothly will be communication. Every person on a job site has to work together to get the project done. But it isn’t just working with your crew. It’s also working with your client as well as any other people that are in the mix for the construction of your building. When making a commercial space you may have to work within the parameters of the town or city you’re located. Sticking to your timelines and scheduling check-in meetings can help keep everyone in the loop. 

You should also be ready to communicate when the unexpected happens. There are many different things that can go wrong on a construction project. Late shipments, permit delays and even weather constraints can stall a project. Being able to communicate effectively with your team and outside partners can ensure that you’re able to get through these hiccups with ease. 


Building a commercial project can be daunting, but with the right tips and tricks, you can stay cool and calm throughout the build. Creating a strong team with open communication and pre-planning can make the building process much easier to handle. So try following these tips to handle the commercial construction process like a seasoned pro.